I’ve touched a wide variety of websites and open source projects at Alley Interactive. My bio over at the Alley site has the most updated list of my projects, open source initiatives and other tidbits.
Prior to founding Alley Interactive, I worked for a company that no longer exists called “Washingtonpost.Newsweek Interactive” (yep, that’s how it was written). I was part of the Slate group, and specifically ran Drupal development for the now-defunct The Big Money and Double X spinoff sites (the Double X brand lives on as a tag on the main Slate site and the title of one of their podcasts).
Before that, I worked on various internal projects at The New York Observer and People For the American Way.
While attending Wesleyan University as an undergrad, I led the initiative to launch wesleyanargus.com (rather than a page on the university-run .edu site). At that point I was actively involved in astronomy research, which led to the creation of ELSA, something I hope to one day rebuild in a modern language like Python.